Every year the Austrian Government states quotas for residence permit obtaining – «Aufenthaltsbewilligung», that implies temporary residence premit for a limited number of people. Quotas are usually stated at the beginning of the year with the following 2-6 months consideration of candidates. Additionally the special certificate for German language proficiency is required by Austrian government and is a must for all immigrants.
The period for which a residence permit is issued is 1 year with the right of extension, however there are exceptions. In case a foreign national is going to stay in Austria for more that 2 years, it is required for him to sign the «integration agreement», which means compulsory attendance at German courses with an aim of early adaptation to the Austrian community.
For foreign nationals, whose relatives live in Austria and are its citizens or residents.
The following individuals have the right for residence permit:
Main requirements for the host party:
There are no quotas provided for this kind of residence permit.
In order to obtain residence permit for student it is enough to provide enrollment documentation. This kind of residence permit gives the right to work for 10-20 hours per week if it does not interfere with study process.
Acquiring of such kind of residence permit implies the receipt of a “red-white-red” card (Rot-Wei?-Rot Card).
Types of “red-white-red” card:
The holder of this card has the right to reside in the territory of Austria and be engaged in independent and dependent labour activity on its territory.
An alien who applies for this card should reach a certain number of points (70 out of 100). The points are calculated according to the following criteria: education, work experience, level English or German proficiency, etc.).
The higher education diploma should be submitted.
After the signing of employment contract the documents with job description can be submitted for residence permit obtaining.
2. «Rot-Weiß-Rot Card» for the specialists in unique occupations.
Specialists with technical education, medical staff, engineers, etc. are eligible for this type of card.
An alien is required to reach 50 points out of 70.
In order to confirm the points it is required to provide a diploma of secondary or higher education, work experience, letters of recommendation from previous employers, certificates of German or English language (intermediate level).
3. «Rot-Weiß-Rot Card» plus.
This card is issued to foreign national whose spouse/family member is a resident of Austria. Family members should submit the documents in person.
4. «Rot-Weiß-Rot Card» for graduates.
Foreign graduates of Austrian universities have the right to sign an employment contract with an Austrian employer with a minimum salary of € 2,100 per month. The graduate is given 6 months for seeking a job. In case the contract is not signed an alien is obliged to leave Austria.
5. The Blue Card (EU)
Gives permission to work under employment contract with a salary of at least € 5,000 per month. For employment it is enough to sign a contract and provide a diploma of higher education. There is no points system.
This kind of residence permit is issued to foreign nationals who have income outside of Austria, do not compete for jobs and do not running a business.
Main requirements:
There are quotas for this type of residence permit.
This residence permit is issued on the grounds of the appointment to the position of the head of a company established in Austria. A foreign nationals himself may be its founder and owner, but indirectly.
The main requirements for an alien are a salary starting from € 5,000 per month, availability of start-up capital, a business plan, and creation of jobs for Austrian citizens.
The residence permit is also granted to schoolchildren, artists, religious figures, university professors, scientists, volunteers, people who have benefited the Austrian state. Each application for a residence permit is considered on an individual basis.
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