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Visas to stay in Brazil

Since 2009 there is a visa-free regime with Brazil for Ukrainian nationals.

Citizens of other countries are required to get the tourist visa (VITUR) due to absence of visa-free agreement.

Tourist visa (VITUR) is issued with the purpose of:

  • Tourism;
  • Short-term business trip;
  • Art competitions and sporting events;
  • Scientific conferences.

Foreign nationals, who can enter the country without a visa, are required to keep their passport (valid for six months), round trip air tickets and booking confirmation.

Important note!

Important note! Foreign nationals entering the country on the grounds of VITUR or visa-free regime are not allowed to be engaged in any activity that provides material remuneration, as well as study and intern in the country, or exercise charitable and religious activities. For these purposes a special type of visa is provided.   

Long-stay visa to stay in Brazil (analogue of residence permit) is called Visto de residência temporári (VITEM).

There are 7 types of VITEM visa.  Types I and II are short-stay visas and do not entitle the holder for long-term stay in the country. Other types of VITEM visa entitles a foreign national to stay in the country for a long-term period.

Types of visa:

Period of validity is 30 days. Issued to foreign nationals who are engaged in scientific research projects for which they receive a material compensation.


Period of validity is 90 days. Issued to businesspersons (for business trips), crews of vessels and aircraft, foreign nationals with intention to adopt a child, participants of short-term shootings that take place in Brazil.

At the end of validity period, a foreigner has the right to extend it for another 90 days, if justified on substantial grounds.


Issued to men of art (artists, actors, etc.), as well as professional athletes. Visa is valid for the period of 2 years.

Before applying for this visa, employer is obliged to issue an invitation to an alien, as well as to obtain permission from the Brazilian Ministry of Labour.

No later than 30 days after crossing the border an alien is obliged to register with the police station at the place of residence.


Issued to foreign nationals for the purpose of receiving education in Brazilian educational institutions (completion of secondary education, language courses, enrollment and training in higher educational institutions, postgraduate studies, participation in the combined programme “sanduíche”).

Validity period of this visa is 1 year. For renewal, it is necessary to contact the police no later than 30 days before the end of validity period.

The holder of this type of visa is not entitled to engage in income-generating activities in Brazil.

A graduate is required to be officially employed in order to obtain permanent residency. After 4-year period of working he has the right to apply for Brazilian citizenship.


An alien willing to be employed in Brazil is required to apply for VITEM-V visa.  In this regard employment contract has to be submitted along with details concerning employer. Additionally, it is required to provide proof of dwelling in Brazil.

The challenge here is to find an employer. However, it won’t be a problem for highly qualified professional.  The employer must confirm that vacant position is closed for Brazilian nationals that have an employment advantage.  The easiest way for employer is to hire nationals of neighbor countries, such as Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina, for whom work permit is not required.

In case of labor contract with Brazilian employer VITEM-V visa is issued for the whole duration of contract.

Categories of aliens who do not required work permit: 

  • Foreigners involved in rescue operations in Brazil;
  • Crews of vessels carrying the Brazilian flag;
  • Oil industry workers, drilling units operators;
  • Teaching staff, research officers working for public or private enterprises;
  • Persons assigned by foreign companies for internship or work in a Brazilian company;
  • Foreign nationals wishing to have an internship at the enterprise after graduation without further employment;
  • Professional athletes who have arrived in Brazil in order to conclude a contract with a sports organization;
  • Teaching staff and research officers who arrive to Brazil for the purpose of teaching or engaging in scientific activities at a research institute.


This type of visa is issued to foreign mass media employees accredited in Brazil. The Brazilian side must provide the contract and details, as well as to ensure that journalists leave the country at the end of their activities in the country.


Issued to representatives of religious communities. For this visa an invitation from Brazilian religious communities is required. Additionally, the applicant must confirm that he is a member of the clergy.

Requirements for visa:

In order to obtain temporary-stay visa in Brazil, a foreign national must prepare a package of documents that clearly describes the purpose of stay in the country (work, study, business, etc.). For visa, it is necessary to contact the Brazilian consulate in your country. In case you are in Brazil (arrived without a visa), it is necessary to contact the police department. An alien is required to pay a state fee, which vary considerably from visa type and alien’s nationality.

Documents required for visa:

  • Valid international passport;
  • Filled application form;
  • One color photo 50×50 mm;
  • Proof of financial means;
  • Marital status document (marriage certificate or divorce certificate);
  • Police clearance certificate (for persons over 18 years).

Visa renewal

A foreign national should have valid reasons for temporary visa renewal (study, work). In this case visa will be extended, but for the maximum period of 1 year. Visa can be extended at the police department at the place of residence.


An alien can be deported from the country in the following cases:

  1. Alien is illegally engaged in activities that involve material remuneration;
  2. Alien is engaged in activities that involve material remuneration, in addition to the one specified in the permit;
  3. Alien changed his job without the permission of the Ministry of Labour;
  4. Students and tourists are engaged in activities that involve material rewards.


A foreign national who does not violate the visa regime, but has committed an offense in Brazil, will be expelled from the country without the right of return.

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