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Visa requirements for citizens of Ukraine travelling abroad

South, Central and North America
Country  Foreign passport Validity of passport Additional requirements Official passport Diplomatic passport
Австрия Austria  90 days during any 180 days  Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Аландские острова Aland Islands 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Албания Albania 90 days during every 6 months. Visa free entry for valid Schengen visa holders Not less than 6 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Андорра Andorra 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Азербайджан Azerbaijan 90 days. However, at the present time due to the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, ethnic Armenians are refused to be allowed to enter the country regardless of their citizenship, which is explained by the fact that their personal security cannot be guaranteed. In addition, in case of detection of stamps of Nagorno-Karabakh in the passport, entry will be denied in any case Not less than 3 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Белоруссия Belorussia 90 days. Possible to enter with a regular passport Passport must be valid when you enter the country and when you leave it 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Бельгия Belgium 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page both sides Yes 90 days
Болгария Bulgaria 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Босния и Герцеговина Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 days during every 2 months Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes Yes
Ватикан Vatican 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes Yes
Великобритания Great Britain You must apply for a visa in advance. Visa-free transit is possible within 24 hours only for those who have a visa of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and coming to / from these countries Passport must be valid at the time of application and at the time of departure from Britain 1 blank page both sides No No
Венгрия Hungary 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Германия Germany 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Гибралтар Gibraltar You must apply for a visa in advance. UK Multiple Visa Holders (at least 1 year) are eligible for visa-free entry Passport must be valid at the time of application and at the time of departure from Gibraltar 2 blank pages No No
Гренландия (административная единица) Greenland 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Греция Greece 90 days during any 180 days
Византийская империя In order to visit the Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain, you also need to obtain a special permit – diamonitirion, which is issued by the Pilgrims Bureau of the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace in Thessaloniki and gives you the right to stay on Mount Athos for 4 days and overnight in any monastery.
Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Грузия Georgia Visa-free entry up to 365 days, also with ID-passports. You can not enter Georgia, having marks in your passport or other evidence of travel from the Russian Federation to the partially recognized states of Abkhazia or South Ossetia. Such entry is considered by the Georgian authorities as illegal and may result in denial of entry into Georgia, administrative or criminal liability (fine or imprisonment). Not less than 3 months from the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for visa in advance Yes
Дания Denmark 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Ирландия Ireland You must apply for a visa in advance. It is possible to visit the country with a valid British visa with the exception of a student visa. Not less than 6 months 2 blank pages No 90 days
Исландия Iceland 90 days during any 180 days Passport must be valid at the moment of departure from the country 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Испания Spain 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Италия Italy 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Республика Кипр Cyprus 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 6 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Республика Косово Kosovo You must apply for a visa in advance. Visa-free entry for 15 days for those who have a valid multiple-entry Schengen visa Passport must be valid at the moment of entry to the country and at the moment of departure from the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Латвия Latvia 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Литва Lithuania 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Лихтенштейн Lichtenstein 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Люксембург Luxemburg 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Флаг Северной Македонии Macedonia Visa-free regime until March 15, 2014. In general, a visa is not required if you have a tourist voucher or invitation Not less than 3 months 1 blank page Yes Yes
Мальта Malta 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Молдавия Moldova 90 days Not less than 6 months 1 blank page Yes Yes
Монако Monaco 90 days for any 180 days. Actual member of the Schengen Area Not less than 4 months 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Нидерланды Netherlands 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Норвегия Norway 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Польша Poland  90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Португалия Portugal 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Приднестровская Молдавская Республика Transdniestrian Moldavian republic Entry to Transnistria for citizens of all states (including Ukraine) is free, however, it is necessary to register at the border control
Россия Russia 90 days in any 6 months. It is allowed to enter with a regular passport. Passport must be valid at the time of entry into the country and at the time of departure 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Румыния Romania 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Сан-Марино San Marino 90 days for any 180 days. Actual member of the Schengen Area Passport must be valid at the time of entry into the country and at the time of departure 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Сербия Serbia 30 days not less than 1 month from the moment of departure from the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Словакия Slovakia 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Словения Slovenia 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Турецкая Республика Северного Кипра Northern Cyprus 15 days Passport must be valid at the time of entry into the country and at the time of departure 1 blank page 30 days 90 days
Турция Turkey 90 days in any 6 months. Entry is possible with internal ID-passport Passport validity must be at least 3 months at the end of the trip (in practice, passport validity is rarely checked) 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Фарерские острова Faroe Islands 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 1 blank page Yes 90 days
Финляндия Finland 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Франция France 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months since the expiration of the issued visa 3 blank pages Yes 90 days
Хорватия Croatia 90 days during any 180 days At least 3 months from the end of the trip 1 blank page Yes Yes
Черногория Montegero 90 days (sometimes hotel reservation and solvency confirmation is required) At least 3 months from the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Чехия Czech Republic 90 days during any 180 days At least 90 days from the end of the trip 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Швейцария Switzerland 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Швеция Sweden 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Шпицберген Spitzbergen 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes Yes
Эстония Estonia 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Country Foreign passport   Validity of passport Additional requirements Official passport Diplomatic passport
Республика Абхазия Abkhazia You must apply for a visa in advance. It is not possible to transit through Georgia to this partially recognized state, denial of entry or other sanctions by the Georgian authorities are possible. The presence of stamps of Russian border posts on the border with the territory of Abkhazia makes the passport unsuitable for visiting Georgia (see the line about Georgia) not less than 6 months 1 blank pages
Армения Armenia Visa free for 90 days passport should be valid during the whole trip 1 blank pages 90 days Yes
Афганистан Afghanistan You must apply for a visa in advance not less than 6 months 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Бангладеш Bangladesh You can apply for a visa on arrival for 15 days when you have a return ticket and funds to support yourself not less than 6 months 1 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Бахрейн Bahrain To obtain a tourist visa at the airport upon arrival, you need permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain. It is drawn up by the host party sponsoring the applicant (a citizen of the Kingdom of Bahrain, a hotel, a travel company officially registered in Bahrain, an airline, a government organization). To do this, the applicant must, no later than 10 working days before the intended trip, send a fax to the receiving party, which indicates the trip dates, flight details and contains a photocopy of the first page of the international passport with the applicant’s personal data. Upon arrival, a visa is not issued to women who are under the age of 40 and traveling unaccompanied by a husband, father or older brother. A fee of 5 BHD is charged (≈ $ 13.2) Passport should be valid till the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Бруней Brunei Visa-free for 30 days not less than 6 months 4 blank pages 14 days 14 days
Бутан Bhutan Visiting the country is allowed only as part of a group on a previously agreed route. Tour time in the country costs $ 200 (tour for at least 7 days). After approval of the tour operator and the airport a visa number will be sent. Without it you will not be allowed to board the plane. In fact, a visa is issued at the border. The cost of a visa is $ 20. Return ticket is required . Without an agreed tour, you can visit the border cities, inland will not be allowed to visit Passport should be valid during the whole trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Восточный Тимор East Timor Visa-free for 30 days. Entry permits are sold at the border for $ 25. Visa extension for up to 90 days is possible at the police station when paying a fee of $ 1 per day. When departing from the country, the airport tax is charged: if the departure is international – about 10 US dollars or 20 Australian dollars, if domestic – about 2 US dollars. Also, when flying through Jakarta, insurance is charged on local lines – about $ 12 (in Indonesian rupiah) Passport should be valid during the whole trip 1 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Вьетнам Vietnam Visa on arrival at the airport with a pre-issued visa permit (issued online). Cost 30 $. 2 photos are required (4 × 6) Not less than 3 months from the date of departure 1 blank pages 15 days 15 days
Гонконг Hong Kong 14 days At least 1 month after the end of the trip when you receive the a visa upon arrival 1 blank pages Yes 90 days
Израиль Israel Visa-free entry for up to 90 days (with foreign, diplomatic and service passports). The travel document of the child is not recognized by the Israeli side as a valid passport document, which gives the right to visa-free entry to the State of Israel. Thus, information about children who travel abroad with their parents (legal representatives) must be entered in the passports of the parents or one of the parents (legal representatives). not less than 6 months 1 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Индия India It is possible to obtain a visa for a stay of up to 30 days upon arrival, at one of 9 airports. You must apply on the website of the embassy at least 4 days before the start of the trip, pay a visa fee of $ 60 and take a printout with you not less than 6 months 1 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Индонезия Indonesia Visa free for 30 days not less than 6 months 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Иордания Jordan 1-month visa at the airport upon arrival for 10 Jordanian dinars, can be extended up to 6 months Not less than 6 months from the date of entry 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Ирак Iraq You need to apply for visa in advance Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have in their passports any stamps of Israel the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Иран Iran A visa for 15 days (50 euros or $75) is issued at international airports (with a return ticket). Women must have a headscarf on. Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank pages 30 days 30 days
Йемен Yemen You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid for longer period than stay in Yemen 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have any stamps of visiting Israel in their passports the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Казахстан Kazakhstan Visa-free entry for 90 days Passport should be valid longer than your stay in Kazakhstan Only space for stamps is necessary Yes Yes
Камбоджа Cambodia One-month tourist visa at the airport on arrival (photo is necessary, $20). If there is no photo, you can pay an additional fee and the visa will still be issued; a three-month business visa at the airport on arrival (photo is necessary, $25) There is an agreement between Cambodia and Thailand, according to which a visa to Cambodia is no longer required if you stay in Thailand for more than 30 days and if you have a Thai visa. However in practice the holders of Thai visas still need to get a visa on arrival to Combodia on regular basis. Passport should be valid during your say in Cambodia 1 blank pages Yes Yes
Катар Qatar Since 02.11.18 visa-free entrance for 90 days  Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have any stamps of visiting Israel in their passports the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Киргизия Kirghizia Visa free 90 days. If you need to stay longer than 90 days you need to register Passport should be valid during your stay Place for stamps necessary Yes Yes
Китай China It is necessary to apply for a visa in advance. Visa-free transit is possible for 72 or 144 hours at certain airports. It is possible to get a visa on arrival, in a group of at least 2 people At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport Yes
Китайская Республика Taiwan You must apply for a visa in advance At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages No No
Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика North Korea Visas are issued only for officially registered tourist groups. Only tourist companies are involved in visa processing. Not less than 6 months 1 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Кувейт Kuwait From April 18, 2018 visa is issued at the border or on arrival for up to 90 days Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have any stamps of visiting Israel in their passports. the same as in case with foreign passport Yes
Курдистан Iraqi Kurdistan It is possible to get a 2-month visa at the border-crossing point from Turkey, “Ibrahim Khalil”. If you are in Kurdistan for more than 10 days, you must register with the police Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank pages Yes Yes
Лаос Laos Visa is issued at the border for 30 days Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank pages Yes Yes
Ливан Lebanon A visa may be issued for up to 3 months at the border (up to 15 days – 25,000 ll, one-time visa up to 90 days – 50,000 ll). Transit visa (48 hours) free Passport should be valid during your stay 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have any stamps of visiting Israel in their passports You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Макао Macau Visa is issued at the border for 30 days Passport valid for at least 30 days after leaving Macau 1 blank pages visa is issued at the border on arrival for 30 days visa is issued at the border on arrival for 30 days
Малайзия Malaysia 30-day free visa at any border point Not less than 6 months since the date of entry 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Мальдивы Maldives 30-day visa at the airport on arrival (if you have a return ticket) Passport that expires not earlier than the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Монголия Mongolia 90 days not less than 6 months 1 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Мьянма Myanmar There is a possibility of getting a visa via the Internet on the official website for $50 Passport valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry into the country 1 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Нагорно-Карабахская Республика Nagorny Karabakh Citizens of Ukraine do not need a visa to visit Nagorno-Karabakh, all the necessary documents are processed directly on arrival, but a visit to the Nagorno-Karabakh may cause problems for future visits to Azerbaijan. Anyone who has visited Nagorny Karabakh will be denied in entry to Azerbaijan as the Azerbaijan side considers it to be illegal to cross the border Passport which expires no earlier than the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Непал Nepal Visa at the airport on arrival ($30 for 15 days, $40 for30 days, $90 for 3 months) Not less than 6 months from the beginning of the validity of the visa 1 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Объединённые Арабские Эмираты United Arab Emirates Visa-free entry for 30 days. In addition, the UAE is one of the few Arab countries that does NOT consider the stamps of the Israeli border service a ground for denying a visa Not less than 6 months (in some cases not less than 3) 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Оман Oman It is possible to issue an electronic visa At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Пакистан Pakistan You must apply for a visa in advance At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages Yes Yes
Государство Палестина Palestine The state of Palestine has not yet implemented its own visa policy, they follow the rules of Israel  not less than 6 months 1 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Саудовская Аравия Saudi Arabia The issuance of tourist visas is currently terminated. Only transit, student, work, business and guest (visiting relatives) visas are issued, as well as group visas for pilgrims going on a hajj to Mecca (the tour should be organized by companies accredited to organize hajj tours in Saudi Arabia). However, it is possible to issue transit visas with a duration of stay of up to 3 days. There is also a possibility of a visa-free transit up to 18 hours across the territory of Arabia with a number of harsh conditions and restrictions (including appearance, clothing, etc.) At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank page. Tourist visas are temporarily not issued at all. the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Сингапур Singapore It is necessary to receive an electronic visa in advance. 96-hour transit through Singapore is possible. It is issued at any border checkpoint with the obligatory condition of having flight tickets and visas to a third country confirmed. Most tourists pass Singapore only as an intermediate point, so for them the country is actually visa-free. However, in practice, there can happen some problems and flight ticket checkings at the entrance through the land border crossing at the border with Malaysia or by the sea from Indonesia At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages 30 days 30 days
Сирия Syria You can apply for a visa up to 15 days ($ 36) at the border. Transit visa (24 hours) – $ 28 not less than 6 months 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have any stamps of visiting Israel in their passports  the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Таджикистан Tajikistan Visa-free entry for 90 days Passport must be valid for the period of the trip Only space for stamps is necessary Yes Yes
Таиланд Thailand Visa at the airport up to 15 days ($ 25). The visa is not issued at stationary crossings and with neighboring countries. In the embassies of Thailand, visas are issued on applications for a period of 3 months. To get a visa there is no need to confirm income or paying capacity. But when entering Thailand, a stamp about 2 months of stay is put (regardless of the period of validity of the visa). Regardless of whether the visa was issued at the entrance or in the embassy, the extension of stay in the country is carried out at the Immigration Center. The cost of the extention for a month or 7 days – 1800 baht. For the first time, the extension of stay takes 30 days, the second time for 7 days. To extend the visa you need to specify the address of stay in Thailand. On Koh Samui service officers do not check the address, and you can mention any address. The procedure lasts 2 hours and an extension stamp is put into the passport indicating the expiration date Passport should be valid during your trip A blank page in the passport is not required, however, there must be enough space to put the stamp. The authorities of the country also pay great attention to the appearance of the passport: tourists with crumpled, wet, soiled documents maybe denied entry 90 days 90 days
Туркмения Turkmenistan It is necessary to obtain a visa in advance at the consulate not less than 6 months 1 blank pages 30 days 30 days
Узбекистан Uzbekistan  Visa-free entry up to 90 days, however, it is recommended to check the necessity of the registration in the hotel or with friends in advance Passport must be valid for the period of stay Space for stamps is necessary Yes Yes
Филиппины Philippines It is necessary to get a visa in advance at the consulate. There is an honorary consulate in Kiev not less than 6 months 1 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Шри-Ланка Sri Lanka There is a principle of electronic visas. You must register online in advance. After that, within 72 hours, the visa authorization is sent by e-mail, a printed version of which must be submitted at the airport. Double-entry visa for 30 days of stay is issued for the cost of $20 At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Республика Корея South Korea It is necessary to get a visa in advance at the consulate. Visa-free entry is possible for 30 days for transit to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, and in case you have  visas of these countries. 30 days stay if you have already been in South Korea at least 4 times in the last 2 years, or at least 10 times in total. It is possible to get visa-free entry for 30 days, but only to visit the Cheju Island 3 At least 6 months at the time of submitting the passport to the consulate 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport 90 days
Южная Осетия South Ossetia 90 days. It is not possible to transit through Georgia to this partially recognized state, denial of entry or other sanctions by the Georgian authorities are possible. The presence of a stamp of the Russian border point on the border with the territory of South Ossetia makes the passport unsuitable for visiting Georgia (see the line about Georgia). Passport should be valid during the trip The space for stamps is necessary Yes Yes
Япония Japan It is necessary to get a visa in advance at the consulate. Visa-free transit up to 72 hours from the time of putting the entry stamp (with the tickets only) At least 6 months from the end of the trip 1 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
South, Central and North America
Country Foreign passport Validity of foreign passport Additional requirements   Official passport Diplomatic passport
Виргинские Острова (США) American Virgin Islands You must apply for a visa in advance Passport must be valid when entering the country 1 blank page  the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Ангилья Anguilla You must apply for a visa in advance, but holders of Great Britain visa do not need a visa Passport should be valid at the moment of entering the country 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Антигуа и Барбуда Antigua and Barbuda 90 days Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Аргентина Argentina 90 days Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Аруба Aruba To visit the Caribbean islands (former Netherlands Antilles) – Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, the Dutch part of St. Maarten and Aruba islands you can get a Caribisch gebied guest visa. The visa indicates the main point of stay (Hoofddoel). If you intend to visit several islands, then the main point of stay is the one where a longer stay is planned. With this visa you can visit all the above islands. 24-hour visa free transit is possible. Not less than 3 months since the end of the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Багамские Острова Bahamas You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Барбадос Barbados 28 days (with the return ticket and the proof of paying capacity) Not less than 6 months 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Белиз Belize A single entry visa for up to 30 days is issued at any of the land borders. In this case, a visa fee in the amount of 100 Belizean dollars (about $ 50) is charged Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Бермудские Острова Bermuda Citizens of Russia and the CIS do not need a visa to visit Bermuda if they have a multiple-entry valid visa from the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom or have a residence permit in these countries. Getting to Bermuda bypassing these countries is almost impossible, which really makes this territory visa-free for Ukrainian citizens. Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page, both sides the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Боливия Bolivia Visa is issued on arrival with the payment of $52. It also requires a single passport photograph, return tickets or tickets to a third country, confirmation of the paying capacity for the trip, an international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Бонэйр, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius To visit the Caribbean islands (former Netherlands Antilles) – Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, the Dutch part of St. Maarten and Aruba islands you can get a Caribisch gebied guest visa. The visa indicates the main point of stay (Hoofddoel). If you intend to visit several islands, then the main point of stay is the one where a longer stay is planned. With this visa you can visit all the above islands. 24 hour visa free transit possible Not less than 3 months 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Бразилия Brazil 90 days (with return ticket) Not less than six months since the end of the trip 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Виргинские Острова (Великобритания) British Virgin Islands You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid when entering the country 1 blank page, both sides the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Венесуэла Venezuela You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 2 blank pages 90 days 90 days
Республика Гаити Haiti 3 months. You must provide return tickets, hotel reservations and 3 photos Passport should be valid when entering the country 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Гайана Guyana You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than six months since the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Гваделупа Guadeloupe You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3  months since the end of the trip 3 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Гватемала Guatemala 90 days The passport should be valid till the end of the trip 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Гвиана (департамент Франции) Guiana You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3  months since the end of the trip 3 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Гондурас Honduras 90 days with possibility of prolongation Not less than 3  months since the end of the trip 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Гренада Grenada 3 months Not less than 6 since departure from Grenada 1 blanc page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Доминика Dominica 21 days (with the return ticket, hotel booking or tourist voucher, and proof of paying capacity) The passport should be valid till the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Доминиканская Республика Dominican Republic 30-day tourist card is issued on arrival for $ 10 The passport should be valid till the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Острова Кайман Cayman Islands You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid when entering the country 1 blank page, both sides the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Канада Canada You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months since departure from Canada 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Колумбия Columbia You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months since the departure  from Columbia 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Коста-Рика Costa Rica Since December 2016 visa free 90 days. When entering you pay the fee 29$. Not less than 6 months since departure from Costa Rica 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Куба Cuba You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page 30 days 30 days
Кюрасао Curacao To visit the Caribbean islands (former Netherlands Antilles) – Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, the Dutch part of St. Maarten and Aruba islands you can get a Caribisch gebied guest visa. The visa indicates the main point of stay (Hoofddoel). If you intend to visit several islands, then the main point of stay is the one where a longer stay is planned. With this visa you can visit all the above islands. 24 hour visa free transit possible Not less than 3 months since departure from Curaao 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Мартиника Martinique You must apply for a visa in advance At least 3 months from the date of the end of the trip 3 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Мексика Mexico A visa is not required when arriving by plane, but electronic registration is required to obtain an electronic entry permit. Visa holders of the United States, Canada, Japan, UK or Schengen countries can stay in the country for up to 180 days, including without registering online Not less than 6 months since the end of the trip 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Монтсеррат Montserrat It is possible to get an electronic visa for $50 by paying them with a plastic card and filling out a questionnaire in English. Then the entry permit is sent, which must be printed out and taken with you. Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Никарагуа Nicaragua On arrival tourists should buy a tourist card ($5), visa is not required for 90 days Not less than 6 months since entering the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Панама Panama On August 16, 2013, the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Panama on the cancellation of visas came into legal force Not less than 3 months since entering country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Парагвай Paraguay 3 months Not less than 6 months since the end of the trip 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Перу Peru 90-days visa-free entry as a tourist (with the return flight ticket) Not less than 6 months since entering the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Пуэрто-Рико Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is owned by the United States. You must apply for a US visa in advance. Foreign passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Сальвадор Salvador 90 days Not less than 30 when entering the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Сен-Пьер и Микелон St. Pierre and Miquelon The islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon are overseas possessions of France. You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months since the end of the trip 3 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 month (with return ticket) Foreign passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Сент-Китс и Невис Saint Kitts and Nevis From 01.02.2017, a visa-free regime was introduced Passport should be valid when entering the country 1 blank page With special permit Yes
Сент-Люсия Saint Lucia You must apply for a visa in advance Passport must be valid at the time of entry into the country 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Синт-Мартен Sint-Maarten Sint-Maarten For a visit to the Caribbean islands (former Netherlands Antilles) – Curaçao, Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius, the Dutch part of St. Maarten and Aruba, you are issued a Caribisch gebied guest visa. The visa indicates the main point of stay (Hoofddoel). If you intend to visit several islands, then the main point of stay is the one where a longer stay is planned. With this visa you can visit all the above islands. 24 hour visa free transit possible Not less than 3 months since entering the country 1 blank page With special permit Yes
Суринам Surinam You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months since entering, if you apply for  1 year multiple entry visa your passport should be valid not less than 1,5 years 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Соединённые Штаты Америки USA You must apply for a visa in advance your passport should be valid during your trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Теркс и Кайкос Turks and Caicos Islands You must apply for a visa in advance. Visa-free entry for 30 days is possible for UK, US or Canadian visa holders Passport should be valid when entering 1 blank page, both sides You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Тринидад и Тобаго Trinidad and Tobago You must apply for a visa in advance Foreign passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Уругвай Uruguay 90 days Not less than 3 months since the end of the trip 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Фолклендские острова Falkland Islands You must apply for a visa in advance Passport must be valid for a trip 1 blank page, both sides the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Чили Chili 90 days Passport must be valid for a trip or more 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Эквадор Ecuador 90 days Not less than 6 months since entering the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Южная Георгия и Южные Сандвичевы Острова South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands You must apply for a visa in advance Passport must be valid for a trip or more 1 blank page, both sides the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Ямайка Jamaica 30 day visa at the airport upon arrival for $ 20 (with a return ticket, hotel reservation, and proof of solvency) Passport should be valid during the trip 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Country Foreign passport Validity of foreign passport Additional requirements   Foreign passport Diplomatic passport
Азорские острова Azores 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Алжир Algeria You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Ангола Angola You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Бенин Benin As a rule, tourists arriving without a visa at Cotonou airport or at any of the land border crossings are stamped for a two-day stay in the country. If it is planned to spend more time in Benin, it is necessary to apply for a visa in one of the immigration police departments located in Cotonou and Porto-Novo. A visa for a stay of up to 10 days costs 6,000 CFA francs ($ 10), for 30 days with the right of multiple entry and exit – 12,000 CFA francs ($ 24) Not less than 3 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Ботсвана Botswana You must apply for a visa in advance. Since 2009 getting a visa at the border for Ukrainian citizens is impossible  The dates of the trip or more 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Буркина-Фасо Burkina Faso You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Бурунди Burundi In practice, the visa is issued at the border when filling out visa application forms and paying a fee of $ 60 (for one week stay) Passport should be valid at the moment of entry 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance. You must apply for a visa in advance.
Габон Gabon You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months when you get a visa 1 blank page No No
Гамбия Gambia You must apply for a visa in advance. There is a possible option of visa free transit through the country by land when moving from North Senegal to South Senegal  Passport should be valid at the moment of entry 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Гана Gana You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Гвинея Guinea You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Гвинея-Бисау Guinea-Bissau Visa on arrival valid up to 90 days, without additional documents. Fee — 85 euro Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Демократическая Республика Конго Democratic Republic of the Congo You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid at the moment of entry 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Джибути Gibuty 10 days or 1 month visa at the airport on arrival Passport should be valid at the moment of entry 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Египет Egypt A 1-month visa at the airport on arrival, with the cost of $25 for single travelers, free for tourist groups; Free 15-day visa at the airport on arrival for visitors to the Sinai Peninsula only Not less than 2 months 1 blank page 90 days 90 days
Замбия Zambia Visa on arrival  (single entry $50, double entry $80, multiple entry $160) Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Сахарская Арабская Демократическая Республика Western Sahara The territory is under the rule of Morocco and is subject to its rules Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Зимбабве Zimbabwe You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page Yes Yes
Кабо-Верде Capo-Verde 30-day visa on arrival with the cost of 20 euro  Not less than 3 months 1 blank page Yes Yes
Камерун Cameroon You must apply for a visa in advance. If you have visas of neighboring countries you can get a transit visa Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Канарские острова Canary Islands 90 days for any 180 days Not less than 3 months 2 blank pages Yes 90 days
Кения Kenya 90-day visa at the airport on arrival (with a return ticket and proof of paying capacity) – $50 or equivalent in Euros or British pounds, or 7-day visa with the cost of $20 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Коморы Comoro Islands 45-day Visa on arrival with the cost of $50  Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Кот-д’Ивуар Cote d’Ivoire It is possible to get an electronic entry permission at, for entry through Abidjan Airport. Not less than 6 months 1 blank page No No
Лесото Lesotho You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Либерия Liberia You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Ливия Libya You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page No No
Маврикий Mauritius 90-day visa at the airport on arrival Not less than 6 months since departure from the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Мавритания Mauritania You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months after the end of the trip 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Мадагаскар Madagascar 30 days free of charge, with return tickets, 90-day visa at the airport on arrival (with a return ticket; 140,000 Malagasy Ariaries) Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Мадейра Madeira 90 days during any 180 days Not less than 6 months 1 blank page for a child traveling with parents  90 days 90 days
Майотта Mayotte Mayotte is owned by France. You must apply for a French visa in advance Not less than 3 months 3 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Малави Malawi You must apply for a visa in advance. The nearest Embassy of Malawi is Berlin, Germany Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Мали Mali You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Марокко Marocco You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page 3 months 3 months
Мозамбик Mozambique You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Намибия Namibia 3 months for tourism and business Not less than 6 months since the end of the trip 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Нигер Niger You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Нигерия Nigeria You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 3 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Острова Святой Елены, Вознесения и Тристан-да-Кунья Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha You must apply for a visa in advance Passport should be valid when you apply for a visa and when you enter the country 1 blank page, both sides You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Республика Конго Republic of Congo You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Реюньон Reunion Reunion is owned by France. You must apply for a French visa in advance. You can enter with a Schengen visa with special marks of the consulate of France Not less than 3 months 3 blank pages You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Руанда Rwanda 30-day visa on arrival Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Сан-Томе и Принсипи Sao Tome and Principe You need to submit an application on the website of the migration service of this state. You will need to fill out a questionnaire, attaching a scan of your passport and a scan of your hotel reservation (or, in the case of transit, tickets to a third country) in PDF format. Consideration of the visa request takes 7 days. After making a positive decision, the applicant will receive a confirmation with an individual visa number and a barcode at the email address. The document must be printed out and presented when boarding an aircraft, and then when passing the border. At the checkpoint you will need to pay a visa fee of about $ 50 Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Свазиленд Swaziland 30 days Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Сейшельские Острова Seychelles 30 days (with a return ticket, hotel reservation or tourist voucher, and proof of paying capacity) Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Сенегал Senegal You must apply for a visa in advance Not less than 3 months 1 blank page No No
Сомали Somalia You must apply for a visa in advance. An invitation is attached to the request. The validity of the entry visa is 60 days. Due to the internal political situation and the ongoing civil war, citizens of Ukraine are advised to refrain from traveling to Somalia Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page No No
Судан Sudan You must apply for a visa in advance. Any marks of Israel in the passport mean refusal of a visa issuance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page. Entry into the country will be denied to tourists who have in their passports any stamps of visiting the State of Israel You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Сьерра-Леоне Sierra Leone You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Танзания Tanzania 90-day visa on arrival — $50 (with return ticket and prove of paying capacity) Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance. You must apply for a visa in advance
Того Togo 7 day visa in airport on arrical (10,000 CFA francs) Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Тунис Tunis Visa is not required, if a tourist has a voucher issued by a tour operator officially registered in Tunisia, entry and exit is carried out through the international airports of the country, and the planned period of stay in the country does not exceed 30 days. Important! It should be remembered that entry on the basis of a tourist voucher does not imply the possibility of traveling to the neighboring countries and returning back. For example, you cannot take a trip to Tunisia to travel to neighboring Algeria and return to Tunisia. Entrance to Algeria will take place without problems, but the returning to Tunisia will not be allowed, as the voucher is valid only for a single entry into the country and stay at the hotel. In all other cases, it is necessary to apply for a visa in advance. Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance. You must apply for a visa in advance.
Уганда Uganda Visa on arrival to airport ($30) Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance. the same as in case with foreign passport
Центральноафриканская Республика Central African Republic If the length of stay in the country does not exceed 7 days, a visa can be issued on arrival at the international airport. The cost of a visa is about $ 57. If you plan to stay in the CAR for a longer period you need to apply for a visa in advance Not less than 6 months 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance. You must apply for a visa in advance.
Чад Chad You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page No No
Экваториальная Гвинея Equatorial Guinea You must apply for a visa in advance Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page You must apply for a visa in advance You must apply for a visa in advance
Эритрея Eritheria It is possible to get a visa on arrival in the country, but only at the international airport of Asmara, and only if there is a pre-issued invitation from the Eritrean side Not less than 3 months 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Эфиопия Ephiopia You must apply for a visa in advance in Moscow Validity of the passport should be longer than your stay in the country 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Южно-Африканская Республика South African Republic You must apply for a visa in advance Passport must be valid for at least 30 days from the end of the trip 2 blank pages the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport
Южный Судан South Sudan You must apply for a visa in advance Sudan visa does not allow to enter the country. The closest consulate is in Brussels Not less than 6 months 1 blank page the same as in case with foreign passport the same as in case with foreign passport

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