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Residence permit in Great Britain

Benefits of residency permit in Great Britain:

  • Opportunity to study at a university with a worldwide reputation and let your children participate in the best education systems in the world;
  • One of the most attractive tax systems for foreign entrepreneurs and investors;
  • High standard of living and social guarantees.

The following individuals can obtain residency permit:

  • Aliens investing in the country’s economy;
  • Aliens engaged in business activities in the UK;
  • Labor immigrants;
  • Individuals with intention to obtain higher education in Great Britain;
  • Individuals with intention for family reunification.
  • Aliens investing in the country’s economy;

One of the most attractive immigration programs in the world is UK program for residency permit obtaining through the investments in the economy of the country.

Its main advantages are:

  • it is not obligatory for investor to have successful business experience (though in the most countries of the world this is a necessary requirement);
  • there is no compulsory examination in health and, in most cases, there is no interview;
  • terms of consideration of application for residence permit are up to 3 months.

Under British law, an investor may be a person who has reached the age of sixteen.


  • Investor is required to invest in Britain’s economy at least 2 million pounds.  These funds must be the personal possessions of the owner, cannot be lent or pledged. Investments should be made in government securities, as well as in the capital of companies registered in Great Britain.
  • Residence permit for a period of 3 years and 4 months is granted to investors in the British economy.
  • Subsequently, investors and their family members have the right for permanent residence and citizenship.
  • Foreign nationals engaged in business activities in the country

The programme allows an individual to get a residence permit in the UK by starting and running a business on its territory.

Residence permit is issued for 2 years under the following conditions:

  • Providing a business plan for a period of not less than 2 years;
  • Investing at least £200,000 in business project;
  • Personal managing of the company as an entrepreneur, partner or director;
  • Providing the UK citizens or permanent residents with at least one job position;
  • Presence on the territory of the country for at least 6 months per year;
  • Availability of funds for themselves and their families.
  • Proficiency in English language.

English language proficiency can be confirmed by:

  • Passing the test on English language (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.);
  • Coming from a country where most people speak English;
  • Graduation from the university where English was introduced as a language of study.

The British government enables affiliated investments to start a business. In other words, an application for running business can be submitted by the two entrepreneurs and the sum is divided equally – £100,000 per person.

The UK government is making significant concessions in terms of investment for promising businessmen. Entry threshold is £50,000.

Upon 5-year period of temporary residence in UK entrepreneurs and their family members are eligible for permanent residency.


HSMP is a programme that was designed by British government in order to allow highly qualified specialists get a residence permit for a period of not less than 4 years.

Required documents for residence permit on the grounds of employment:

  1. An employer’s invitation (certificate of sponsorship);
  2. Information about prospective salary;
  3. English language proficiency certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)
  4. Application from the employer concerning the sponsorship. Otherwise, it is required form an employee to provide the evidence of available funds in amount of £1200.

The length of stay can be extended up to 5 years, and upon this period a foreign national can apply for permanent residence without employer involvement.

Higher education in UK

Studying in the UK gives aliens the right for a long-term student visa. Usually visa is issued for the whole period of study. The student has the right for permanent residence in the UK upon 5 years of staying in UK.

IELTS academic module is required for the admission to a higher education institution in the UK. The required score can be from 5.5 up to 7, depending on the educational institution.

Evidence of funds, sufficient for education, must be provided by the foreign national in order to get the student visa. The amount of funds depends on the level of higher education institution. It is necessary to submit the bank receipt and proper invitation from the educational establishment.

A foreign student in the UK has the right to work for up to 20 hours per week. He can work full time during the holidays. 

Family reunification

British society has great respect for family values and the human right to reunite with loved ones.

Categories of persons eligible for a residence permit:

  1. Spouses, common-law partners, same-sex partners;
  2. Children under 18 years old;
  3. Unmarried children over the age of 18, parents aged 65 and over, who are dependent on the UK resident or national.

Main requirements for spouses, common-law partners, same-sex partners:

  1. Be over 18 years of age;
  2. A civil marriage (in case a couple is not in official relations it is required for them to formalize their partnership within the following 6 months);
  3. Provide evidences of their further cohabitation;
  4. Do not have an extramarital affair;
  5. Provide evidences that the marriage is not fictitious;
  6. Clean criminal record and lack of prosecution;
  7. Submit the income certificate (funds must be sufficient for living in Great Britain for the spouses, children and other relatives on dependent);
  8. Pass the test CERF A1 on English language proficiency (there is exemption for the foreign nationals from English-speaking countries, graduates from the British universities, persons over 65 with health problems).

The period for application consideration is up to 2 months.

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