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Permanent residence in Switzerland

Permanent residence in Switzerland (Permit C) is issued after 10 years of lawful residence in the country. For EU citizens this period is halved and makes up 5 years.

Main requirement for permanent residence is successful integration in Swiss society. With this aim it is required to be familiar with country’s history and culture, as well as be proficient in language spoken be the citizens of appropriate canton.

A special feature of Swiss state is the fact that large investments, as well as business entries do not guarantee the permanent residence.

Permanent residence is issued for a 5-year period with possible extensions for an unlimited number of times.

Permanent residence is canceled in case of absence in the territory of the country for more than two years.

Documents required for permanent residence:

  • Application for Swiss permanent residence;
  • Personal information: passport (original and copy), marriage certificate, children data, residential address in Switzerland;
  • Diploma and certificate confirming qualification of an applicant (work, education);
  • Certificate of criminal record;
  • Document confirming availability of sufficient financial resources of an applicant;
  • Document confirming labor activity in Switzerland (employment contract, business, job offer);
  • One of the state languages proficiency test (depending on the canton).

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  • Телефон:+38(093)874-68-38

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