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About Great Britain

Great Britain is located at the north of Europe. Great Britain is rich in traditions attractive tourist destination, the birthplace of celebrities and prominent political figures.

A country that combines the spirit of the Middle Ages, the industrial revolution and the modern world. All this harmoniously intertwines and creates the unique spirit of the British Isles.

Many ambitious personalities strive to not miss the chance to visit this amazing state, having tried their hand at study, work and business. Visa obtaining is not a simple matter, but with proper perseverance and skills you can become a part of the state of Great Britain.

Information on Great Britain for 2019
Capital  London
Total area  243 809 km²
Political system  Parliamentary Monarchy
Population  66 074 468 million people
Life expectancy  78,7 years
Unemployment rate 4,1%
Inflation rate 0,4%
Average salary   £ 2000 per month
Currency  Pound Sterling (£)
Official Language  English language
Religion  Secular state

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