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French citizenship

French passport is a document of great importance which entitles the holder with all the same privileges that EU national has, but also allows visa-free travelling to almost all countries of the world.

French citizenship brings with it great opportunities for both leisure and business.

One can acquire French citizenship through the following:
Jus soli (right of land)

A child born in French territory to French nationals or residents obtains French nationality automatically.

French citizenship is not provided if a child was born to foreign tourists in French territory.

A child born in French territory to aliens with residence permit over 1-year period has the right for French citizenship on attaining majority at the age of 18 years upon condition of his residence in the territory of France for at least 5 years from 11 years of age.

Jus sanguinis (right of blood)

The child obtains French citizenship automatically regardless of the place of birth if either parent is a French citizen.


A spouse of French national is eligible to apply for French citizenship in a year of co-residence under condition the marriage is not fictitious (required to be proved).


An alien is eligible for French citizenship if he legally resided in the territory of France not less than 5 years without violation of immigration legislation. 

Additionally, the period of stay inside the country can be shortened to 2 years in the case of:

  1. An alien graduated from French university and obtained a diploma on higher education;
  2. An alien provides real value to the state.

There are also a number of requirements for citizenship candidate:

  1. Pass the TCF-DAP, TCF-TP French language tests;
  2. Pass the test on the French history and culture;
  3. Sign a long-term employment contract in France;
  4. Provide information on financial stability;
  5. Proof of available dwelling (purchased or leased);

Service with armed forces

A male foreigner, who served in the French Foreign Legion, has the right to apply for citizenship. The granting of citizenship is considered by the government on an individual basis.


Іноземець, життю та здоров’ю якого на батьківщині загрожує небезпека або якщо його переслідують за політичними, релігійними або іншими переконаннями, має право запросити притулок на території Франції. Однак для цього мають бути дуже вагомі причини.


Foreign national whose life or health is threatened in homeland or who is targeted by political, religious or other reasons, can seek asylum in France.  However, there should be very weighty reasons.

Large investments

Foreign nationals, who made large investments (from 1 million Euros) in country’s economy and created minimum 50 job positions for French nationals, have the right for French citizenship in 5-year period.

Great advantage of this type of immigration is not obliged to stay uninterruptedly inside the country or to acquire real estate.

The reasons for the rejection to grant the citizenship are:

  1. Aliens posing a threat to French citizens;
  2. Presence of criminal record, imprisonment from 6 months;
  3. Violation of immigration rules while staying in France;
  4. Deportation from the country;
  5. Persons related to international terrorism or those who are wanted by Interpol.

The main list of documents required for French citizenship:

  1. National passport;
  2. Valid international passport;
  3. 4 photographs;
  4. Birth certificate of foreign national and his children (if any);
  5. Document confirming legal residence in the country (temporary or permanent residence permit);
  6. Certificate of paid taxes;
  7. A certificate of health;
  8. A document confirming the availability of dwelling (purchased or leased);
  9. A document confirming the availability of lawful and stable income;
  10. Marriage certificate (if any);
  11. Certificate on the absence of immigration rules violation;
  12. TCF-DAP, TCF-TP (level B1) French language proficiency certificate or diploma from French higher educational institution;
  13. Declaration of renunciation of any other citizenship.

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