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Polish citizenship

Polish citizenship has its advantages in comparison to other official documents that allow staying legally in the territory of Polish state, especially since joining the European Union in 2004.   

Advantages of Polish citizenship:

  • Possibility to live in one of EU and Schengen countries;
  • Business entries in one of EU and Schengen countries;
  • Employment in one of EU and Schengen countries;
  • Education in one of EU and Schengen countries;
  • Purchasing of real estate in one of EU and Schengen countries;
  • Freedom of movement within the territory of EU and Schengen countries, along with a simplified procedure for Canada an USA visa.

The President remains directly responsible for issuance of Polish passport, and since recently, this responsibility is shared with the Governor.

Conditions and requirements for Polish passport issuance:

Citizenship by birth right

  1. One of child’s parents is a Polish national;
  2. Children born inside Poland without the identification of parents can obtain the citizenship automatically.

Direct petition to the President

Foreign national can make a direct petition to the President of Poland for citizenship granting in case there is a legitimate reason for it.  In this case, the President has the right to issue a passport to a foreigner, bypassing necessary procedures for its registration and receipt. Petition is submitted through the consul if the person is outside the Polish state.

The following categories of persons are eligible for Polish citizenship:

  1. Aliens who reside in Poland at least three years on the basis of permanent residence, and have stable income along with dwelling;
  2. Spouse of a Polish national, in case the marriage lasts for at least 3 years;
  3. Refugees with permanent residence status for the minimum period of 2 years;
  4. Minor children, if either parent is a Polish national.

Pole’s card

A holder of Pole’s card is eligible for Polish citizenship in case of residence inside Poland for the minimum period of 8 years (5 years on the basis of residence permit, 3 years on the basis of permanent residence);


After the occupation of Poland by the troops of the Third Reich and the USSR in 1939, many Poles were forcibly dislocated to other states. For this reason, the Polish government takes measures to return its citizens and their descendants to the historic homeland.  Applications of such citizens are considered under a simplified procedure.

For citizenship, it is required:

  1. Apply to Polish consulate;
  2. Get a reparation visa;
  3. Put a special stamp in the passport when crossing the border, which allows the further processing of documents. This stamp already implies that the foreigner is a full citizen of Poland.

Business Immigration

An idea of immigration to Poland with an aim of starting a business and further citizenship obtaining is quite attractive for aliens as it will be more cost-effective in comparison to other countries.  The average cost of starting a business is € 1500, and the processing period not exceeding 14 days.

After the opening of business in Poland, the foreign nationals have the right to apply for temporary and permanent residence permits (for themselves and family members), and then for citizenship.

The term of consideration for citizenship obtaining is up to 5 years.

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