Passport of a citizen of the Russian federation is a document which entitles the holder with all the rights and obligations as a member of society. It gives the opportunity to be elected to the authorities, the right to vote, be formally engaged in labor activity, gives the right for benefits processing, the right for free of charge medical care, education, etc.
An alien has the right for citizenship after 5 years of legally living in the territory of Russian Federation on the basis of residence permit or after 1 years of living in case of significant reasons.
In case a foreigner was a student of school or higher educational institution, where he studied the Russian language, he will be exempt from passing the language test.
A spouse of Russian national has the right for Russian citizenship after 3 years of cohabitation inside the country. Marriages contracted outside the Russian Federation, as well as civil marriages, are not the grounds for Russian citizenship.
At the first stage an alien must obtain residence permit outside the quotas. After that he is entitled to apply for citizenship under conditions the marriage was not dissolved or fictitious.
A child obtains Russian citizenship automatically regardless of place of birth, in case his parents are Russian nationals.
If only one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the birth has occurred outside the state, the child does not automatically acquire citizenship and it should be formalized.
A child born inside Russia without the identification of parents can obtain the citizenship automatically.
A person who for one reason or another has lost the citizenship of the Russian Federation has the right to restore it under a simplified procedure. Russia is quite a liberal country in this regard.
For citizenship restoration it is required:
Foreign national whose life or health is threatened in homeland or who is targeted by political, religious or other reasons, can seek asylum in the Russian Federation. For this an alien must submit an application to the relevant authorities within a maximum period of 3 days. Under Russian law, refugees are entitled to a lump-sum payment, temporary housing, food and medical care, and the right to be employed. All this is provided by the state. Refugee’s children are eligible to visit kindergarten and educational institutions. Subsequently, refugees have the right to apply for Russian citizenship. The right to apply for citizenship is granted after 1 year of legal residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Despite the difficult international situation, the citizens of Ukraine have the right to apply for Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure. This also applies to refugees from the Donbass and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (according to international laws it is considered “temporarily occupied territory”). Initially it is required to apply for residence permit (under a simplified procedure). After that, the application for citizenship obtaining can be made. Period for consideration is 3 months.
For consultation and more detailed information feel free to contact our company. We will help you to prepare all the necessary documents. We offer complete support at all stages of preparation as well as confidentiality and transparency without overpayments. Guarantee of success – 100 %.
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