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Permanent residence permits in the Netherlands

Foreign citizen legally residing in the Netherlands for a certain period of time is eligible for permanent residence permit under the following conditions:

  1. Legal residence in the Netherlands as an employee, businessman or investor for the minimum period of 5 years;
  2. Marriage to a Dutch national for a period of at least 3 years;
  3. Graduation from Dutch university with the following employment in the country (employment term is one year upon graduation).

Main requirements for permanent residency applicants:

  1. Lack of criminal records and administrative offenses (a fine of € 450 can be a significant reason for permanent residence denial);
  2. Pass the test on social integration;
  3. A stable and legal monthly income of at least € 1500 (not necessary for those living in the country for more than 10 years).

A purchased real estate property will be an important advantage in the process of application consideration as it implies state revenue from taxes.

Necessary documents for permanent residence:

  • Application;
  • National passport;
  • International passport;
  • Police clearance certificate;
  • Copy of taxpayer identification number;
  • A list of other documents depends on the causes for permanent residence acquisition.

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For consultation and more detailed information feel free to contact our company. We will help you to prepare all the necessary documents. We offer complete support at all stages of preparation as well as confidentiality and transparency without overpayments. Guarantee of success – 100 %.

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  • WhatsApp:+380938746838
  • Телефон:+38(093)874-68-38

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