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Residence permit in Czech Republic

An alien has the right for long-term visa before obtaining the residence permit.

A long-term visa (dlouhé vizum) allows staying in the country up to 90 days. When applying for this type of visa it is required form the foreigner to indicate visa-related reasons, e.g. language courses, advanced training, medical treatment, conferences participation, etc.

In case a foreign national is intended to move to Czech Republic, it is required to apply for residence permit.

Residence permit in Czech Republic (republicdlouhodobý pobyt) is a permission to live legally inside the country for the period up to 1 year with two possible extensions for further 2 years. 

Upon arrival in the Czech Republic a foreigner is obliged to appear at the local police station within 3 days and provide his biometric data (fingerprints, etc.).

Initially, a residence permit is issued for a period of 1 year with the right of extension. The period for application consideration lasts no longer than 2 months.

Main conditions for residence permit obtaining in the Czech Republic:
Family reunification

Foreign national lawfully residing in the Czech Republic on the basis of residence permit is eligible to reunify with his family members (souse, children, parents). The only important detail is the availability of a sufficient amount of money, as well as housing (own or rented).

The advantage of this type of immigration is that the government practically does not refuse anyone to obtain a residence permit on the basis of family reunification.

If the Czech government finds out that the marriage is fictitious, the foreigner will be immediately sent out of the country, and a criminal case will be initiated against the host party.

Higher education

A foreigner who wishes to study at a state or commercial university has the right to obtain a residence permit for the entire period of study.

The only documents required for residence permit are confirmation of enrollment to the Czech university, as well as confirmation of sufficient funds for studying and living in the country.

Students under legal age are obliged to have their parents’ consent.

Foreign student who enter state universities up to 26 years of age are eligible for free tuition.


As in other EU countries, the Czech government is primarily interested in employment for Czech and EU citizens. Therefore, a foreigner must be a highly qualified and key specialist in his field in order to get residence permit on the basis of employment.

There are two ways for residence permit obtaining on the basis of employment:

    1. Employee card.

    This type of card is issued for the period of employment contract, but not longer than for 2 years, and can be extended.

    1. Blue Card EU.

    This type of card is issued to highly skilled professionals who are employed for deficient professions in Czech Republic.

    Such kind of specialists must meet the following requirements:

    • Contract with an employer for a period of at least 1 year;
    • The salary must be at least one and a half times higher the average salary in the Czech Republic;
    • Foreign employee must confirm his qualification by providing a diploma, advanced training certificates, etc.

    The main requirement for all aliens is:

    1. Czech language proficiency;
    2. Diploma of higher education;
    3. Work experience required for the post.

    Business Immigration

    Foreign nationals intended to start a business in Czech Republic have the right to obtain a residence permit under certain conditions:

    1. Register a business in the Czech territory and provide the register certificate;
    2. Do not have arrears in the payment of taxes and violation of the Czech legislation;
    3. Business must be profitable and have a positive effect on the Czech economy.

    On average, it is required to have about 250 000 euros in order to start or buy a business (if it is not innovative). It is also required to create at least 2 job positions for Czech citizens.

    Political asylum

    It is a very complex process to obtain a residence permit on the basis of political persecution as evidences are required from a foreigner. In case of lack of evidences the Czech authorities will mostly deny the application.

    Initially, the residence permit is issued for a period of 1 year regardless of the immigration program. Subsequently, it can be extended by 2 years and further by another 2 years.

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