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Italian residence permit

Foreigners must apply for a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) if they want to stay in Italy for more than 90 days. One should apply for a residence permit no later than 8 days after arrival to Italy.

Foreigners that can be granted residence permit:

Residence permit per turismo – “for tourists”

Individuals visiting Italy for over a week have to apply for a tourist residence permit (rarely required).

Residence permit per familiare – “for families”

This type of residence can be granted to husbands/wives, under aged children, adopted children, relatives, dependants of Italian citizens who want to reunite their families. It can be granted for 2 years with possible extensions.

Residence permit per dimora – “for dwelling”

Well-off individuals, who have bought real estate or have a long-term lease in Italy, can apply for this type of residence. Although, it does not allow working, studying and running a business on Italian territory.

One should not confuse a dwelling residence permit with any other, as it is highly nuanced:

  1. An individual must purchase real estate or have a long-term lease in Italy.
  2. An individual must reside in Italy for at least 6 months of a year.
  3. An individual must have an annual income of 40 000 Euros per annum abroad.
  4. An individual must open an Italian bank account and deposit into it at least 30000 Euros. If the person has a family, he or she must deposit 20% of the sum for a cohabitant and 5% for children.

One should remember that this resident permit does not include a health insurance;therefore, the resident must issue a private insurance policy.

Residence permit per lavoro – “for working”

Each year Italy states quotas for foreign workers, on average about 30 000 individuals per annum.

Italy has the universal EU employment process. First of all, a foreigner must find an employer and sign a contract with him. Then the employer must confirm that this position is closed for Italian and EU citizens that have an employment advantage. After conducting all the procedures and signing the contract, the foreigner can apply for a working residence permit. The term of the residence permit validity varies according to the type of job the foreigner is responsible for (from 6 months to 2 years).

The most convenient way to find a job in Italy is to obtain a Blue Card EU for highly qualified workers with a higher education diploma and expertise. These workers sign a long-term contract and can apply for a two-year residence permit with possible extensions.

In Italy, there is a high demand for seasonal workers, who are mostly engaged in the agricultural area. This type of residence is provided from 6 to 9 months.

Residence permit per studio –“ for students”

The situation with studying is the same as with employment, each year Italy states numerous quotas for foreign students.

Requirements for a student residence permit:

  1. An individual must provide a document, which confirms that the student has been accepted to an Italian university.
  2. An individual must provide a document, which states that the student has the appropriate sum for studying and living in the country (5000 Euros per annum).
  3. An individual must confirm that he or she has a place to stay (own property or leased).
  4. An individual is required to have a health insurance.
  5. An individual must pass the Italian CILS test with at least a B2 level.

After completing every step, a student can apply for a year residence permit with possible extensions.

Residence permit per lavoroautonomo – “for self-employment”

Italian government carefully monitors those foreigners, which plan to set up a business in the country. Therefore, there are numerous requirements for entrepreneurs:

  1. An individual must have an innovative idea, preferably connected with high technology.
  2. The initial capital must be minimum 50 000 Euros.
  3. An individual must have a business plan in which the government and local authorities will be interested.
  4. An individual must hire Italian citizens.
  5. An individual must provide a document stating their annual income (minimum 8 400 Euros).

The foreigner will be granted an appropriate two-year residence permit with possible extensions. The entrepreneur may also apply for permanent residence and citizenship. The members of the foreigner’s family can also apply for a residence permit.

Residence permit for investors

In 2016 Italian government launched a new residence permit for those, who invest in Italian economy. Foreigners can apply for a two-year residence permit with possible extensions as well as a permanent residence and citizenship. Their families can also apply for a residence permit.

Terms for investors’ residence permit:

  1. An individual must invest minimum 500 000 Euros in Italian innovative technology and startups.
  2. An individual must invest minimum 1 million Euro in Italian companies and enterprises.
  3. An individual must invest minimum 1 million Euro in Italian education, culture, science and rehabilitation of the cultural heritage of the country.
  4. An individual must invest minimum 2 million Euro in government bonds.

Requirements for investors:

  1. An individual must provide a document, which states the investor’s possession of the required sum.
  2. An individual must provide a document, which confirms the legitimate origin of the finances.
  3. An individual must invest the money not later than 3 month after arrival to Italy.
  4. An individual must provide a document stating their annual income (minimum 8 400 Euros).

There are also categories of residence permit for refugees and clerics with specific processes of applying for.

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