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Residence permit in Canada

Who is eligible for residence permit in Canada:

  • Individual whose relative or spouse is in possession of Canadian citizenship;
  • Individual investing in the county’s economy;
  • Highly qualified specialists with employer’s invitation;
  • Foreign nationals engaged in business activities inside the Canada;
  • Refugees.

The first step towards Canadian residence permit is immigration visa. 

For this purpose there is a number of programs provided by Canadian government:

It is a system of selection of qualified staff:  specialists with a higher education, foreign citizens engaged in trade jobs, students with work experience in Canada, and persons with other specializations in demand.

Express-Entry is a system of scoring a candidate depending on his level of education, work experience, language skills and other factors for evaluating candidates.

Work visa/Employment

Work visa is one of the most favoured ways for immigration.  More than 100,000 foreigners come to Canada annually by work visa.

As a rule, employer is required to provide the recruitment permit – LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment), following which there is a selection of the candidate in accordance with the requirements.

There are also another ways for employment, for example, under special programmes or provinces nominations.

Admission to the university/college

It is important to prepare by exploring training programs and their cost if you are planning to study in Canada.  Upon choosing the higher educational institution that meets all your requirements it is important to remember about accommodation expenses.

Canada offers more than 100 specialities.

Fully equipped campuses.

Various training programmes that last for 1, 2, 3, 4 years.

Support of Canadian government in employment for students:

  • Work permit during the training (20 hours per week while classes, 40 hours per week while holiday periods)
  • Work permits to spouses
  • Right to work within the period of 3 years upon graduation

Canadian education implies diploma of international level that is highly valued in the world, possibility to become the part of Canadian society and perfect starting point for career.  

Family sponsorship

The category of family sponsorship includes spouses, one of whom is a Canadian resident or citizen. It also includes parents, children and minor siblings of Canadian residents or citizens with stable income, who can sponsor a number of family members.

This type of immigration requires detailed gathering of information and documents and obliges to have an interview with representatives of the Canadian authorities.

Business Immigration to Canada

Canada welcomes immigrants who can make significant contribution to the economy of the country.

Significant opportunities for residence permit/second citizenship will be provided to successful business owners and investors.

Canadian government in 2013 developed Start Up Visa program. It is aimed at entrepreneurs ready to invest in the county’s economy.

Those foreign nationals who have promising plan for starting a business and ready to implement it can count on partial sponsorship from investment companies.

The work of care giving (Caregiver)

Caregiver program is quite popular among Canadian families. It implies care for the elderly, babysitting, care for persons with disabilities.

 This program was developed by Canadian government in order to tackle the lack of local staff, as well as to attract foreign workers in the country.

Main advantages of the program:

  • Wage is not less than the wage of Canadian nationals holding the equivalent positions;
  • Application for permanent residency for applicant and his family members can be made upon 2 years of his work.

Main requirements:

  • Working experience in babysitting, caregiving, nursing;
  • Proficiency in English or French
  • Absence of chronic diseases and lack of criminal record.

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