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South African citizenship

Under the South African Citizenship Act No.88 of 1995 and amendments No.17 of 2004 citizenship can be acquired by birth, origin, naturalization, restoration or registration.

By birth

Citizenship can be obtained automatically by children born inside South Africa if either parent is a South African national/resident.

By origin

Citizenship can be obtained automatically by children born outside South Africa if either parent is a South African national/resident.


Foreign national is eligible for citizenship if he has been lived in South Africa for 5 years.

In case an alien is a spouse of South African national the terms for citizenship application is reduced to 2 years.

For citizenship acquiring by naturalization it is required:

  • Reside lawfully in the country for the minimum period of 10 years;
  • Provide government officials with all required information about applicant;
  • Submit police clearance certificate and a permission letter for citizenship obtaining from home country;
  • Pass proficiency tests on one of official languages of South Africa:
  • Go through the ceremony of citizenship granting and appear before a judge who issues the passport of the country (refusal to participate in the ceremony may be a compelling reason for citizenship denial).

Citizenship restoration

Foreign national deprived from South African citizenship for one reason or another can apply for its restoration. Moving to South Africa for permanent residence is a prerequisite.

South Africa recognizes dual citizenship, therefore it is not necessary to renounce citizenship of native country. 

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For consultation and more detailed information feel free to contact our company. We will help you to prepare all the necessary documents. We offer complete support at all stages of preparation as well as confidentiality and transparency without overpayments. Guarantee of success – 100 %.

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  • Телефон:+38(093)874-68-38

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