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Permanent residence in Czech Republic

Foreign nationals residing in the territory of Czech Republic for the minimum period of 5 years (unless otherwise provided by law) have the right to apply for permanent residence (trvalý pobyt).

The following categories of persons have the right for permanent residence without prior temporary residence permit:

  1. Foreign national who has proved his Czech origin;
  2. Parents of Czech national, who are at the age of 65 years and older, under condition they do not have other children.
  3. Children, who are over 18 years of age, of Czech nationals over 65 years of age;
  4. Minor children of Czech nationals or residents;
  5. Parents of a minor child who is a Czech national.
  • Marriage to a Czech national gives the right for permanent residence in case of lawful co-residence in the country’s territory for the minimum period of 2 years.
  • Foreign national, who had been studied Czech university for 3 years and had been worked by specialty for 1 year, has the right for permanent residence.
  • In other cases an alien is obliged to reside in the country for the minimum period of 5 years, if he did not leave the territory of the Czech Republic for more than 10 months (in aggregate) and was not absent longer than 6 months at a time.

In order to get a permanent residence a foreigner is obliged to pass the Czech language proficiency test (level A1), submit police clearance certificate and certificate on the absence of arrears to the Czech state.

The following categories of persons are exempt form the Czech language proficiency test:

  1. Graduates of Czech universities;
  2. Persons who studied Czech schools or universities within the last 20 years;
  3. Foreigners who have certificates of completion of Czech language courses;
  4. Foreigners whose leaving examinations were on Czech language;
  5. Foreigners who are under 15 years of age and over 60 years of age;
  6. Mentally or physically disabled persons.

The following documents are required from an alien in order to apply for permanent residence:

  1. Application for Czech permanent residence;
  2. Copy of international passport;
  3. Proof of lawful residence in the territory of Czech Republic on the basis of residence permit;
  4. 2 photographs;
  5. A document confirming the availability of dwelling (purchased or leased);
  6. A document confirming an applicant is proficient in Czech language;
  7. Document confirming permanent and lawful income in the territory of Czech Republic;
  8. Certificate of criminal records;
  9. Health insurance.

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