Spouse and family members of an alien are eligible to acquire residence permit with the right to work in Spain. The only requirement is the lack of criminal record and dangerous diseases.
Estancia por estudios is a student visa for aliens who wish to study in Spain. Visa is issued for 1 year with the possibility of further extension without leaving the country. Foreign national can also exchange the driver license for Spanish without the necessity for obtaining a new one.
Required documents for admission to the university:
Students of Spanish universities are eligible to part-time work or business operating if it doesn’t interfere with their education.
It implies status of resident upon 3 years of ILLEGAL residence in the country.
There are three types of arragio: social, familiar and laboral. In any case a registration at the place of residence in Spain is required.
Social type of arragio implies that foreign national lives in the country for 3 years and has fully integrated into society. Alien is required to confirm that he has a work contract.
Laboral type of arragio implies that foreign national lives in the country for 2 years with continuous employment for the last six months.
Familiar type of arragio implies that foreign national is a father/mother of Spanish child or one of alien’s parents is Spanish national.
It is one of the easiest and most popular ways to obtain residence permit in Spain.
For this type of residence permit it is required to confirm that an income provided by alien is not less than the established minimum standard of living in Spain and that he does not claim to job positions. It will be an excellent choice for those who are engaged in journalism, have a high income in the IT-sphere, as well as for freelancers and landlords.
An income must be legal, stable and documented.
Approval for obtaining a residence permit is based on the fact that the annual income for an adult foreigner is 400% of the IPREM and 100% for dependent children.
Aliens wishing to work in Spain are obliged to sign an employment contract with employer.
Main requirements:
This type of immigration is suitable for foreign nationals who wish to start their business in Spain.
Main requirements:
Additionally, there is always a possibility to buy existing business with established clients, brand, suppliers, etc. Such type of deal is called «Traspaso» in Spain.
Law of January 1, 2014, allows aliens to obtain status of resident on the grounds of large investments in the economy of the state.
One of the main benefits of golden visa is the necessity to visit the country only once a year.
One of the following conditions are required to be fulfilled for golden visa:
It is worth remembering that investments from offshore accounts are not encouraged by the Spanish government.
Each type of the above-mentioned residence permit implies its renewal, subject to all necessary rules for living in Spain are met, and also provides an opportunity to apply for a permanent residence after 5 years and for citizenship after 10 years of residence.
For consultation and more detailed information feel free to contact our company. We will help you to prepare all the necessary documents. We offer complete support at all stages of preparation as well as confidentiality and transparency without overpayments. Guarantee of success – 100 %.
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